Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Here come the "Good guys"!

These are the character designs for the ICU (Intergalactic Crime Unit) which are the heroes in my game "Planet in Peril".
Captain Quint: Quint is the most decorated solider of his species (Clamordians). As commander and chief of the ship the Rendezvous he has made more arrests than anyone in the entire ICU Division.
Dr. Humbolt: Humbolt Squizgar is a chemical genius and even designed the fueling system for the Rendezvous. As intelligent as he is he has quite the temper.
Rhinosaur: Rhinosaur was apprehended during one of the ICU's early missions. The group later decided they could put him to better use as apart of the crew.
Pilot: Pilots timid demeanor is shadowed by his mechanical mastery/ aircraft control porous and marksmanship.
Co-: Co- was built by pilot to help with all of the choirs of the Rendezvous but is treated more like a younger brother.